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Concert Crowd
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Kvalitet je najvažniji u muzici, ali kvalitet se može dobiti i po povoljnim i razumnim cenama i to je praksa muzičara koji svoj posao prvenstveno rade zato što ga vole, a tek onda zbog bilo čega drugog i to je i praksa kod orkestra Bend Beograd.

Standardno i zavisno od broja članova benda, kao i ozvučenja koje se koristi cene se kreću od 100 do 300+ evra, a sve se precizira i pravi jasan dogovor oko svih aspekata koji se od strane Bend Beograd uvek ispoštuje.

Akustična muzika i bend obično duo pevač i gitara su nešto povoljnija opcija oko 100 evra i mogu zadovoljiti potrebe umesto klasičnog benda.

Moguće je angažovati i samo pevača sa ozvučenjem i korišćenjem karaoka preko BT sistema, kao i karaoke žurke za vaše potrebe. Cena te opcije je 50 evra i uz dostupne pesme na mrežama dobar provod je tu.

Pozovite i dobićete sve potrebne i preciznije informacije i biti potpuno obavešteni oko svih detalja.

Dobićete i snimke naših izvođenja u određenom žanru po želji.

Quality is the most important thing in music, but quality can also be obtained at favorable and reasonable prices, and this is the practice of musicians who primarily do their work because they love it, and only then for anything else, and this is also the practice of the Band Belgrade orchestra.

Standard and depending on the number of band members, as well as the sound system used, the prices range from 100 to 300+ euros, and everything is specified and a clear agreement is made about all aspects that are always respected by Band Belgrade orchestra.

Acoustic music and a band, usually a duo of a singer and a guitar, are a slightly more affordable option around 100 euros and can meet the needs instead of a classical band.

It is possible to hire only a singer with sound system and use of karaoke via BT system, as well as karaoke parties for your needs. The price of that option is 50 euros and with available songs on the networks, a good time is on.

Call and you will receive all the necessary information.
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